沧州奕航管道装备有限公司坐落在“中国的管道装备业基地”(河北盐山). 公司位于京沪铁路、京沪高速、石黄高速、津汕高速、104、307、205国道分布于周边或穿与境内,地理位置得天独厚,交通运输极为方便。沧州奕航管道装备有限公司生产各种材质的弯头、异径管、三通、法兰及钢管等系列产品,同时根据客户的要求特制各种材质,异难、特厚壁碳钢,不锈钢,合金钢管件等各种管道配件,本公司产品按标准投入生产,严把质量关,坚持从选料、生产到售后服务,始终贯彻尽善尽美。我公司遵循;以质量求生存,以科技求发展,以信誉占领市场,精益求精,为电力、石化、化工、制药、锅炉、供热、造船等行业提供了优质服务,产品将以的质量,优惠的价格与周到的售后服务,赢得客户的信赖。


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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "碳钢弯头;三通;四通;异径管;法兰;承插管件;快速接头;螺栓;垫片;紧固件;管箍;管节" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 河北省沧州市盐山县工业开发区.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 欧阳玉勤
  • 13336610153
  • 0317-8556851
  • 0317-6266851
  • www.yihangguandao.com
  • 061000
  • 河北省沧州市盐山县工业开发区